Identifying the 7 Signs of Unhealthy Locs: A Complete Guide

What Are The Signs Of Unhealthy Locs - dreadculture

The primary purpose of locs is to offer you a protective hairstyle that will nourish and protect your hair from thinning and breakage. Therefore, you must take care of your locs for optimum results. Today, we will discuss what are the signs of unhealthy locs and how to prevent them. 

Neat and shiny-looking hair attracts much attention from your friends and family. Moreover, it makes your dread locs look healthy, complete, and well-cropped. However, if you fail to maintain the upkeep of your locs, it can lead to damage beyond repair and professional help. 

So, grab some popcorn and get ready as we pinpoint all the signs that can be bad for your hair and how to stop it without salon care.

Read More: Unhealthy Hair Care Habits With Locs. It’s A Thing.


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These extensions are meticulously crafted to ensure superior quality and a perfect match for your unique style.

Made from Grade A 100% human hair, they are softer, lightweight, and versatile, allowing you to bleach, dye, or color them to your preference.

What Are Healthy Dreads Vs Unhealthy Locs?

Locs are beautiful and can suit almost everyone regardless of race, culture, and ethnicity. However, it’s the constant maintenance that becomes a problem for everyone. Some people are too lazy to take care of their dreads, and that’s the cause of all their problems. 

Here, we can take a quick look at healthy vs unhealthy locs.

What Are The Signs Of Unhealthy Locs - DreadCulture

5 Signs For Healthy Locs: 

1: Neat

Naturally tidy and clean-looking dreadlocks are seen as healthy. They don’t smell bad or have nasty leftovers embedded in the dreads. Moreover, a few basic locs cleaning tools make it simple to maintain the locs.

2: Properly hydrated

Using a variety of solutions to keep the dreadlocks well-moisturized is essential to maintaining their health. Furthermore, locs with a natural shine and healthy appearance are more likely to flourish.

3: No breakage

Dreadlocks in good health are resilient enough to display strength. They don’t appear to be breaking or to be falling off. Needless dread breaking can result from mishandling dreadlocks during maintenance or misusing any substance. 

4: Steady growth

Regular development over time is a further sign of healthy locs. The locs grow slowly initially, but it takes about two years to mature. If your fears fail to build, investigate the potential causes.

5: Dimensions and form

The constant size that continues to increase is one of the critical indicators of healthy locs. Furthermore, its form provides information regarding their health. For those who have them, the juvenile size or state of the locs can present challenges. 

Signs Of Unhealthy Locs

Healthy locs are particularly easy to identify because of how good they look. However, the real issue is identifying unhealthy locs. Therefore, here are some of the signs you can look out for on your dreadlocks journey. 

Some common mishandling you’re doing consists of: 

  • With gels for a firm hold.
  • Bleach locs in your house.
  • ongoing reversing.
  • using a crochet hook.
  • applying a hair dryer.
  • regular application of conditioner and shampoo for hair.

You’ve probably ruined your locs if you’ve carried out these routines in your daily life.

But fear not—repairing broken and dull dreads is simpler than before. Here are a few signs that your dreadlocks are unhealthy:

1. Severe hair loss

Falling off of unwell locs is the result. Inadequate care causes the locs to become fragile and shed easily. Additionally, the locs quickly cause severe hair loss.

You are probably going through a difficult time if these are the symptoms you see while growing your dreadlocks.

2. Unpleasant odor

The odor of damaged dreadlocks annoys the other people. Moreover, the locks get greasier and more likely to acquire dirt and product wastes;  residues lead to a significant amount that is harder to clean. 

3: A declining hairline

The receding hairline, which may be caused by unhealthy locs that continually shed and recede, is another indication that your dreadlocks could be harmed. The heavier locs continue to cause the hairline to recede.

4: Infection of the scalp

To enjoy healthy locs, scalp health is as vital as hair health. Buildup from dirt and product residues can produce an unpleasant stench.

Mold, fungus, or bacteria within the locs may be to blame. In addition, severe scalp infections necessitate prompt treatment of the issue. 

5: Heavy locs

The hairline appears to be being stretched backwards by unduly thick locs. It obliterates the forehead’s natural hairline and shows potentially dangerous locs. Finally, bigger locs may require a better shape and size because they are more likely to build up. 

6. Irritation of the scalp

The unwell scalp is the first indication of bothersome dreads. Most hair types become dry from the dreads, which causes the dreadlocks to shrink.

Furthermore, excessive dryness on the scalp may be a symptom of the growth of locs, which can be challenging because it leaves behind product residue that makes washing difficult.

How To Repair Unhealthy Locs?

Now that you know the signs of unhealthy locs, here are a few tips to repair your damaged locs. Moreover, you can also prevent messing up your dread locs and get the best results. Here are a few tips that can help you repair your damaged hair: 

  • Use natural hair products to keep the scalp and locs clean. Don’t use artificial items.
  • After every two months, detoxify your locs.
  • Don’t use heat to style or dry your locs.
  • Wear a cap or scarf over your head when you sleep at night.
  • Retouch the locs with a skilled loctician’s retwisting.
  • Use essential oils to keep locs well-hydrated.  

Final Words!

Well, folks we hope you now understand what are the signs of unhealthy locs. Moreover, you can now avoid making obvious mistakes and learn from our tips. In the comments below, let us know your thoughts and preferences regarding dread locs and other hair treatments.


What Damages Dreads?

Chlorine and saltwater are your dread’s enemies. Moreover, you need to take precautionary steps if you go swimming in environments containing these minerals. 

Is honey bad for your locs? 

Although honey and beeswax hold your locs in place, they start damaging your hair over time. Hence, the pain of removing all that wax is not worth it. 

Is Aloe Vera Good For Locs?

Locs lose their density and thickness if you don’t look after them. A natural solution to hydrate and nourish your locs is Aloe Vera. it’s natural, safe, and works marvels for your dreads in the long run. 


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